Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So what is the toughest sport on wool?.......

The new thing at the Rodeo this year is to voluntarily sign your kid up to ride on the back of a sheep until they fall off. It's called MUTTON BUSTIN'. It is supposed to be like Bull Riding and whoever stays on the longest wins. It is actually pretty funny. Those are some brave little kids. Look at this poor little girl when she gets up. She didn't know what hit her. Maybe someday we'll sign up Brystal.


Kimberly said...

Mutton Bustin is one of my favorite event at the Delta rodeo. I think Michael even did it once. I can't believe kids do that either.

moi said...

Kacie-how hilarious! I did that once at the Festival of the American West when I was like 9 years old. It was fun. Have you met up with Spring yet?

moi said...

K-I just looked further into your blog, and now I know you've met up with Spring, because she babysat! Well, tell her hi for me!