Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today I took Brystal to Nursery!! She turns 18 months next month, but they said I could bring her in early, with me being in the Relief Society and Nate in the Elder's Quorum, we were so busy on Sundays and church was just getting really hard. She had a blast, she walked right in and just started playing with the toys and didn't even look twice at me. I tried to stay for a little while, but she obviously didn't need me, so I just thought, ok then, I guess I'll go, and she was fine. She loved it. I hope she'll continue to like it. I came home from church in such a good mood today, I wondered why for a minute then I remembered, I didn't have to wrestle a little girl today. FINALLY!

Do you notice a resemblence between these 2? Brystal somehow got ahold of a pen while under the care of her dad and drew on her face. It is a little hard to see but it is pretty much identical to Harry Potter's scar. I guess it could have been worse.


the browns said...

she is SO cute!!

Zarsky Family said...

Yay for nursery!!!

The Piepers said...

So exciting. She makes a good Harry.

Addie May said...

You are one lucky mommy. Mollie STILL screams when I drop her off in nursery and congratulations on having a BOY!! You are one sexy pregnant lady.

Matt and Tracy said...

exciting news, yay for brystal (and mommy)!! and that pen mark is too funny!

amy said...

Releif Society is such a joke from the time my babies could walk until the time they went to nursery. I am glad transition was sooo smooth. What a blessing, seriously! Sundays with no babies, can actually be relaxing!

Gini said...

Haha! That's pretty funny. Brystal's a cutie! Congratulations on having a boy! That's so exciting. I wish I could see you... you look so dang cute with your pregnant belly. Not fat at all. Just preggo. And it's really really cute!
I hope you're feeling good, and everything goes well with this pregnancy. We're doing well in Cali. Just getting ready for the HOT weather coming all too soon. But we're enjoying the weather now... it's perfect... while most of the rest of the world is covered in snow. (well, ok, at least Utah is)
You going to UT any time soon?? What are your easter plans?