Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Some of you may think this post is stupid, but I thought it was cute and I was so excited to introduce Brystal to her toothbrush. She is always looking at me in wonder whenever I am brushing my teeth, so I decided to get one of her own.

First I showed her how it was done. Scrub those little bottom teeth...

Get those top teeth...

Then she was on her own, and she brushes like a champ!

Hey I think she likes it!


Kristie Romberg said...

I think it's adorable Kacie! She's so cute Kacie and I just love her to pieces!

The Piepers said...

I love the fresh-out-of-the-bath pics! She's so cute and perfectly plump. :)

Jen said...

Texas babies are cuter?!?! You sound like my husband! We are actually looking for jobs in the Dallas area, so we may be moving out there this summer. We will see. (We are also looking around Austin.)
Congrats again on your second little one, you'll have your hands full. When do you find out what gender you are having? I'm going to guess a little guy!

Jake & Becca said...

Well congratulations on the new one in the oven! And way to go on the oral Hygiene! We have to tell Lyndi there are bugs in her mouth to get her to let me brush!

amy said...

She is just so darn cute. Thomas' favorite toy is actually a toothbrush.

Jenae said...

Holy smokes...I have been without a computer for WAY too long! (I am using craig's work computer). How exciting Kacie! I can't believe that you managed to keep it a secret for so long...I pretty much explode the day I find out I am pregnant. I am so happy for you. An August baby will be awesome because you'll have the fun summer to get you through the last few months. I am wishing that I had some sun shine and fun to get me through the next two months. Well my word I miss you and hope you are doing well. It was fun to read all about your drama the last several months...I especially appreciated the dog eating the poop story! HA! Xoxo!

Andrea McEntire said...

Three cheers for no cavitites!