Friday, February 6, 2009


Though Brystal learned to walk over a month ago, I haven't gotten around to putting this video up. She was being so stubborn about walking, if we tried to encourage her, she would smile, sit down and crawl to us. Apparently she just didn't want to walk in the presence of an audience because several times I would go to check on her in the other room and catch her walking around the room without her knowing I was watching. So I just said nothing and just let her do it herself. Well when Daddy was home that weekend, she wanted to show off her skills she had been practicing behind my back and here is what happened. She walked in circles around the kitchen all day long, and with those squeaky shoes on you can imagine how annoying that got after awhile, but I'm so happy that she has finally learned to walk.


Dust + Hil said...

Hooray Brystal!!!

Super Daysh said...

WHOA! I can't believe how big she's getting! Walking!? I love the squeeky shoes- that is too cute!