Saturday, February 16, 2008


Since it was Valentines day I was reminissing the good old days...Our very first Valentines Day together, we had been engaged for about 2 weeks. Nate and a group of his friends who all happened to be dating my friends, had all been to the same mission together. They took us to this old building that used to be a school, but was now being used as a studio in Logan. Someone apparently had the hookups. The guys got all dressed up for us, as did us girls, and they made us a German dinner. I don't remember exactly what we had, just that it was some kind of fried chicken stuff, but it was very delicious, and I was quite impressed with their cooking skills. Oh and I forgot to mention that they totally decorated this place out with twinkly lights and balloons and all. Then to top it off, the music started and we all started to slow dance. It was probably the most romantic date I have ever been on, even though I had to share it with 4 other couples. (by the way those other couples are all now happily married) Anyways, I'll never forget that day.

Thank you Nathan for always staying with me and loving me no matter what. We are perfect for eachother and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I love everyday I have with you. And so I dedicate this song to you, for loving me "The Way I am".
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steve and jessica said...

Hey, I remember that date! It was so much fun. It is crazy to look back and remember that first day in Summitt Hall and think about where we are all now. Brystal is as cute as ever!

val said...

Hi. Cute valentine post. To put writing to the side choose the left or right layout right before you upload your picture. You can't change the layout once you've uploaded the pic. Hope this makes sense! Let me know. And it wasn't a dumb question!

Jordan Frazier said...

I tagged you on my blog. Go to my blog and see it and then post yours on your blog!

Super Daysh said...

So cute! You guys are so adorable together.