Saturday, February 16, 2008


I must say that this is not really a Valentines Day I will remember. I spent the day alone with Brystal and Sophie since Nate has been out of town the last few weeks. I have a terrible cold, so I just sat around and moped in a pile of wadded up tissues. Not to mention the pounds I just put on from eating a bucket full of Valentine sugar cookies that I apparently made for no one but myself. I am ashamed to even admit how many I've had. But they were just so good....

We went for a nice long walk which was the best part of my day since being outside cleared my sinuses up completely and I was able to breath comfortably for one hour of my whole day. Plus Brystal had a good time and was happy, so that makes me happy.

Later that night we just lounged around watching TV, nothing special. Did hear from Nathan till 1 in the morning because he was working late, but.....

I got these delivered to me, so I know he was thinking of me regardless our situation. I have the best husband in the world. (please pretend like the table doesn't have stuff all over it. I just haven't felt like doing housework lately ok? don't judge me.)


Dani said...

Don't worry about the sugar cookies! I think it's a girl thing! I always eat all the desserts we make pretty much by myself! Hey, you got more from your husband who was gone than I did from mine who was home! We opted to not really do anything for another this year! But it's always fun to get flowers!

Andi said...

Sorry you're sick Kace! If it makes you feel any better, I spent all evening and night on Valentines with a bunch of boobs. Literally. I love that picture of Brystal in the stroller! Is it just me or is she finally putting on some pounds? She is so stinkin cute. And the blessing dress is adorable. She looks so cute. Glad it all went well. Feel better!

Shelly said...

Beautiful flowers from Nate, I'm jealous. Don't worry about a few little things on the table, you should see my house most of the time. You're house is cute, I wish we lived closer so you could help me decorate. I hope you get feeling better soon. It stinks being sick when you're a mom.

Missy W. said...

why do housework when he's not home to see it? I don't cook when andy's not around either. So sue me.

Brent and Emily said...

Wow, Brystal is sooooo cute! Daughters are so much fun.

Super Daysh said...

I'm sorry you are lonely without your spousy and on Valentines Day, too. That stinks. At least you have a beautiful little girl to spend time with while he is away. Mommy-daughter bonding time. ;) She is so adorable. You guys should be proud.