Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Brystal is growing up so fast now I can't even believe it. She is not a baby anymore and is turning into a little girl. Here is a little bit about what Brystal is up to these days.

Brystal likes to take things like her dolls, or her little people, and the silverware when we are doing the dishes and line them up. Then when she's done she says one of her classic sayings..."I DID IT!!"

Brystal has lots and lots of friends who love to play with her. She is still learning how to share and play nice sometimes, but most of the time she is nice to play with.

This is her friend Samari, they are playing with sidewalk chalk and decided to hug eachother.

Brystal loves her little brother. She is so helpful with him now and when he cries, she grabs his binky and puts it in his mouth for him and pushes on the bouncer to bounce him and make sure he is happy. He fusses alot during the days, but he always stops crying when Brystal plays with him. She'll say, "it's ok little guy" when he get sad. She also comes and tells me that Boston is sad when he is crying.

Brystal loves the park and is not a big fan of the big kid swings. I finally am able to trust her on them.
And for some reason the last week or so, "somebody" has had an influence on her because she randomly begs me to watch football. She'll say "I wanna watch fooball!!" I don't get it. I have no clue where this came from but anytime she sees any kind of sport on TV with a ball, she exclaims "FOOTBALL!"

Brystal loves to color!! She'll color a page and everytime she uses a new color she'll say "Look mommy!!" and she'll bring it to me for me to see the color she used. Sometimes she colors where she shouldn't....like the floor.

We are trying a little bit of this. It's not really going great, but we are getting a good start. For now she just enjoys sitting on the potty in hopes that she'll get a pee pee treat when she is done. And when she does go she yells "I did it!!" and then she can't wait to get her treat, but then, she is totally done and doesn't want to do it again. Oh well. It's a work in progress.

Brystal likes to help me cook sometimes. She especially loves to stir things. This time I let her scoop out the chicken mixture and put it in the rolls for Chicken Squares. She actually did a pretty good job.

She is so smart I can't even believe all the things she can do now. She knows all her colors, can count to 11 ( I know random) She loves to sing songs, and loves to listen to songs when she goes to bed. Her favorite thing to do is watch Dora the Explorer, She loves to give mommy hugs when she is "sad" so that she'll be happy, She likes to say "I'm a Big Girl!" She loves nursery, and "monkey snacks" or fruit snacks. She is changing so much, it is so fun!

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