Thursday, November 5, 2009


It is a week after Halloween but things have been crazy around here and I haven't gotten a chance to get on here. But I know you all wanted to see what Brystal was for Halloween so here she is. My Dad brought her this outfit back from China before she was even born, and now she fits in it so she was a little China doll. Isn't she adorable? And no that is not a juice stain on the top of her lips it's lipstick but it's hard to make perfect lips with a 2 year old.

She loved getting the makeup done cause she watches mommy do it everyday....until she turned around and saw what it did to her face and she had the biggest look of surprise on her face, and she wouldn't let me touch her up after that. So it's a good thing I got her mostly done before I showed her.

I tried to put Boston in Sophie's Spider costume. It didn't really work out. So he was just a cute little baby for Halloween.

We went to the Ward Trunk or Treat, and they had a little parade just before, so here she is walking in the parade. Then we walked around and did all the trunks, she didn't really get it at first and if we slowed down at all she would stop to eat some candy. The big kids kept pushing her aside to get the candy so that was annoying, but once we got home and did some Trick or Treating, she shined. She was the cutest one out on the streets and she learned to say "trick or treat" and everyone thought she was the cutest little thing they had ever seen, and I'm sure she got a little bit of extra candy for being cute.

Here is the Fam. Yes Nate and I walked around all night with these bread slices on and got plenty of comments on them as well. And for those of you who have been wondering about our brilliant pieces of bread, made by Nate, It's cardboard. 2 pieces of cardboard with cardboard on the sides for the crust, painted cream and spray painted crust. Looks pretty real huh?


Kimberly said...

No Way!!! You went as peanut butter and jelly!!! That's so cool. I'm going to have to show these pictures of Brystal to Josh. He will be so excited. You know he has a soft spot in his heart for anything Asian.

Sarah McM said...

I thought Brystal's china costume was SO so cute. You should have had her take a picture with the Soekens.

Parrish Family said...

I LOVE Byrstals costume. It is so cute! It looks like you guys had a fun Halloween!

Andrea McEntire said...

I love Brystal's costume! What a cutie. I also love the PBJ idea. How fun! Oh, and yes, Tombstone was on the Discovery channel's Ghost Lab. Unfortunately, we did not run into any ghosts despite going to all of the "haunted" sites.

Jenae said...

Love Brystals costume...mostly her hair! She is adorable and Boston is too cute.

PB&J costumes are brilliant! I love it all.

Addie May said...

Brystal (and Boston!) looked so cute in their costumes! Thats hilarious about the make-up thing, I bet Mollie would freak too. I LOVE the bread idea too, tell Nate that was very creative of him!