Friday, July 17, 2009


I know you all have been waiting for an update, but nothing too exciting is happening around here, so I'll just throw in some random pictures just to humor you people. This was on the 4th of July. We had a great BBQ with friends, then headed out to watch the fireworks.

This is how Brystal feels about sparklers.

I really hate how big I look in this picture. But hey I'm 9 months pregnant so give me a break. This was after the firework show was over, it was the lamest firework show I'd ever seen, but it was good to be in good company. Brystal had about had it for the day, she was so tired.

This is what we do when Brystal wants to go swimming and I'm too fat and lazy to take her to the pool. It is so hot outside here, so we swim in the bathtub as an alternative. She still gets the same kicks out of it.

And here is Princess Brystal wearing her eyes just after performing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star after church. She's taking a water break.

After we got our new double stroller Brystal loves to sit in it and refuses to get out, so we just park her in front of a movie and that buys us lots of time to get things done.

Brystal wearing her hat that she'll only wear for 2 minutes at a time, But she's cute. So this is what we've been doing alot of lately, just lounging around waiting for the baby to come. I'm so exhausted to do much of anything else.


Dust + Hil said...

I hear ya loud and clear Kac. I can't wait for July and August to be over, I think you and I will be a lot more happy and hopefully more energetic!

Jenae said...

You're going to have to remind me when you are due in August...I can't remember the date.

Brystal is so darn cute and I can only imagine how hot and miserable it is down there! I would never leave the house. Actually, I don't ever leave the house and my only excuse is three flights of stairs to go up and down with two kids! I am a hermit.

I can't wait to see pictures of your little dude! My little guy has turned into a very large, round, big guy. He's gained 7lbs in two months!

Just took Ella to the splash park and she screamed and cried the whole time because she didn't want to get wet...I am so mad. You're lucky Brystal wants to play in the water! Mine is a wuss.

Put up a picture of your belly will ya? Just humor me and do a side shot! I am sure you look awesome. I turn into a whale at the end!

Ok, that's all for now.


elsa said...

so cute little brystal!!!

Beads Bee Boutique said...

This just in: Brystal looks like Mommy! That little face reminds of our days so so so long ago...