Friday, July 17, 2009


Here I am in all my roundness! As much as I love showing off how much bigger and bigger I'm getting, I have finally managed to get myself dressed one day and remember to take a picture. So for all you out there, here I am, 36 weeks preggo and getting bigger by the second. I believe that I have suddenly hit the nesting phase of being pregnant, meaning, I'm freakishly obsessed with getting everything organized and put in place and trying to get the house in order so that little baby doesn't come out ashamed that his mother is a slob. Things are getting alot harder to do around here, I long for the day when I will be able to bend over again. I can't tell you how many times a day I pick up the same toys over and over. And keeping up with a little toddler is rough when you can barely move. We keep fairly busy, but I'm just slower. I do think overall I feel better this time than I did with Brystal, but just more tired since I am chasing her around and lugging this body around. I've got 4 more weeks to go my friends and I'm counting down the days. I'll start going to the Dr weekly from now on, and we even get one more ultra sound for a sneek peak at the little guy. But not much is happening around here other than waiting. I'm not going to lie, there are times, that I am nervous about having more than one child, if anyone has any advice on the transition from 1 kid to 2 it would be much appreciated. But only if it is good and your not out to freak me out.


Jen said...

Well Kacie, you look fantastic. I too long for the day of bending at the waist, it's amazing how limited you become.

I have no idea what it's like to go from 1 to 2 kids, but I've heard a lot of people say it isn't too bad. Most things I hear are that it's easier going from 1 to 2 than zero to 1.

Good luck with these next couple weeks! Have you two come up with any names for the little guy?

Andi said...

Yay! Thanks for the update Kace. You look so so good. I can't imagine being 36 weeks prego and having to chase Jack around in Houston's humid hotness. I don't think I'd ever leave the house :)
Brystal is going to be such a good older sis. I can already tell.

steve and jessica said...

Love the updates! The only thing I know about having multiple kids around, from babysitting my sisters' kids, is that it is nice when the older sibling can run go get diapers when needed. Good luck! You look great!

Shelby said...

You look cute and good luck for the last couple weeks. I think that the first 3-4 months are a hard adjustment with two kids, but after that it's easier than one and a lot more fun. One is kind of boring I think and hard to come up with things to do. You will find a new routine and things will be so easy. Promise. But enjoy these last days with just you and Brystal because it will never be like that again.

Jordan Frazier said...

You look darling kacie! I can't wait to see him...i wish you were here so Cache and him could be friends. It was nice talking to you the other day. Call me soon!

ps---a package will be coming soon. Keep your eyes open, i am mailing it on Monday:)

Marinda said...

You are beautiful! I love it!

Marinda said...

You are beautiful! I love it!

Addie May said...

Kacie, you look so cute! Really, I hope when I am that far along, I can look as cute as that. I'm excited for you cause really the baby could come any time. keep us posted!

Super Daysh said...

Kacie- you look fabulous! I wish I looked that good at 36 weeks! I just ballooned and was freakishly huge! You look cute and you will make a wonderful mother to two little ones. Good luck these last few weeks!

Madison Grunig said...

You look fabulous Kacie. I love having two kids and sometimes I think it is easier because they entertain each other. And my older one likes to help a lot more. Hopefully the transition is smooth and I can't wait to see the little guy!

Andrea McEntire said...

Oh, you have the pregnancy glow. You look good Kacie, seriously.