Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Well I'm still here, and I'm still pregnant. I've got one more week till the big day so really it could be any moment now. I am getting more excited as each day goes by even though it doesn't seem real that it is so close. But I am also very scared at the same time. I just hope that I can be the mom I always wanted to be, and that I'll know what to do. I keep getting nervous about going into labor or my water breaking in public and all sorts of things. I should really stop scaring myself half to death.
I am pretty sure everything is ready. We've got the room ready and our bags are pretty much packed. It is hard to plan for something like this. You have no clue when or where it is going to happen but you know it is coming. It is like waiting for Christmas, but you don't know what day Christmas will be. And how can you prepare for something like childbirth knowing that you have to do it and you know that it is going to be the worst pain that you will ever experience in your life, but you don't know what it is going to be like? These are just a few of the questions I freak myself out with. But I just hope and pray that no matter what we will have a healthy baby.
So here is a sneak peak of little Brystal before she comes to the world. We got this ultra sound 2 weeks ago, they are in 3D so you can kinda see what she might look like. Just so you know. I like the bottom one the most. the top one makes her face look a little smashed, but I'm sure she'll be cute no matter what.


val said...

Kacie you're so close! We wish you guys the best of luck as she makes her arrival. I'm sure everything will work out great. Are you planning to have an epidural? If so...yipee. They are the greatest. It made the experience so enjoyable for me. Can't wait to see pictures of her on your blog!

Doug and Marilyn said...

This is so exciting! I'm sure it's crazy and scary but you are ready. You guys will be great parents. I love that ultrasound...she's adorable. Hang in there and good luck with LABOR! :)

Rebecca said...

Kacie - love your blog - I read it when I can. I wish you all the luck in the world, and all the best in the birth of your little miracle!

Dave said...

Hi there Kacie! I just stumbled across your blog. I am so excited for you. Everything will be wonderful and it will all work out. Just hang in there! I hope all is going good for you.

Chelsea said...

I'm so excited for you! You are going to be such a good mom...don't stress!!! Oh I can't wait for real pictures- she looks pretty darn cute so far:)

kim said...

Ahhh! You are almost there! How fun! Good luck with all! Oh, and take all the notes you can because I'm looking for any tips I can get! I am 19 weeks pregnant and find out the sex in like...5 days!