Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I know what you all are thinking, Didn't we just have Christmas and New Years, and your posting October? Well I've been a little busy lately, so don't judge. I just needed to get these cute pictures from Halloween up and other happenings.

For Halloween Brystal was a witch. A cute witch of course.

Boston was a Dragon. He was so cute in this costume. I loved it.

This is my attempt to get them together. Good luck with Boston holding still. You get what you get with him.

A couple weeks later as we were packing up the house, I stepped out onto our front porch and found a big envelope from Fed Ex. Hmmmm, what's this I thought.......

10,000 DOLLARS!!! Well not quite 10,000, they took out taxes, but I'll take it.

It sure feels good to be holding that check.

Complete with a cheesy autograph from Tom Bergeron.

What's Boston up to? Oh nothing much, just getting cuter by the day. He gets into everything he is not supposed to. He keeps me on my toes. But how could you ever get mad at this face?

What's new with Brystal? Brystal got glasses! I started noticing one of her eyes turning in while looking at things up close. She has a crooked eye which the glasses will hopefully fix and make stronger over the next few years. Doesn't she look adorable in them? She is such a trooper, and has such an imagination. She loves to play princesses. She is my little princess.

1 comment:

Matt and Tracy said...

I LOVE their costumes!! So cute!!