Monday, November 1, 2010


Brystal started up baby Ballet in August. She is loving it and having a Blast!

She gets to dance with bears...

They also teach with musical instruments to help her learn rhythm...

They have a princess chair that they get to sit in after they finish walking across the balance beam. Notice how she is sitting with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap. She is learning to be a little lady.

Sometimes they get to wear cowgirl hats...

And "ride" across the balance beam...

She learns to point her toes...

And at the very end they choo choo their way across the room and get a cute little sticker for being so adorable. She is such a natural at everything in the class, she always listens (occasionally cries) and does so well at keeping her toes pointed and balance. She loves her class!!


Andi said...

cutest thing ever

Kristie Romberg said...

She is so adorable! I love it!

Kimberly said...

That looks like so much fun. Where do I sign up?