Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Boy it's been awhile, but we just returned home from Utah on Monday and we had a great trip, so prepare yourself for a full blown update!! We drove up to Utah with us and our dog Sophie, Sophie was more of a problem than anyone, besides Brystal throwing up, Sophie also threw up. Sometimes, I just want to throw her out the window, but she is a good dog. Anyways, we got there on the 18th of December, and spent the whole time with family, going to concerts, playing lots of games, going bowling, and skiing, and sledding, and eating lots of good food, and just spending time together. We also got a much needed updated family picture since we had 3 babies born this last year.

We had a hard time getting Brystal to cooperate, it was freezing outside though so we were all in a rush.

Here is my family. My little brother leaves on his mission next week so this will be our last time all being together for a couple of years.

Boston has the prettiest big blue eyes. I don't know where he got them from. Not me.

I also had a chance to catch up with my good old high school friends. We always have a little gift exchange and I went home with these lovely red and green striped slippers, thank you Emily Bott. I always love getting together and laughing about old times and remembering people from the past.

Christmas Eve, we have a tradition of having a great big dinner by candlelight. It was nice to have everyone there.

This is Brystal and her cousin Lilie, they are also eating by candlelight, just a little battery operated candle.

This is Alex. He is Boston's cousin who was born on the same day he was. They are just 5 hours apart. Here they are meeting and playing for the first time.

After dinner all the kids rounded up around the tree and Grandma read them The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck. The kids loved it and were completely still and quiet until Brystal announced that Zack had bugers in his nose, then she noticed that so did Grandma.

On Christmas morning, everyone was so excited and ran to their presents and stockings, but not Brystal, She ran straight over and ate the left over cookies that Santa didn't eat.

Brystal got some fancy new princess heels for Christmas. Maybe these will replace mommy's shoes.

I surprised Nate and got all his diplomas framed for him. I am so proud of all the hard work he has done going to school, it deserves to be hung on the wall.

We tried to take Brystal sledding. It was like pulling teeth to get her to come. She could barely walk in all this snow get up. She was in a pretty bad mood about it, but later lightened up a little.

If looks could kill.....

Sophie had more fun than anyone, she had the time of her life!

Here is my brother Dustin. He was always so nice to come and hold and play with my kids.

Doesn't he look so grown up? He is looking more and more like Nate.

Here is all the Grandkids. Starting on top: Jaxon and Lilie, Brystal, and on the Bottom: Alex, Zack, and Boston.

Here is Boston spending some one on one time with Grandpa.

and Grandma.

Here we are saying our last goodbyes as the trip is coming to an end. I am here with my Dad. I spent alot of time with him at home on this trip.

This is my little brother Tyler, he is going on his mission to Sweden next week so this was the last time I will get to see him in 2 years. He is such a great kid and I know he will do amazing on his mission and we will miss him very much.

Tyler and Boston.

On our way out of town we stopped in Springville to visit Kristie. I love Kristie, she is my favorite sister, and she is always so cute and funny. I always laugh when I'm with her.

Well that's it. We had a great trip, it was awsome, and it's good to be home and get back to normal, but we already miss everyone and look forward to our next trip up there.


Shelly said...

Kacie. I'm glad you had such a fun trip. I wish we could have got together. Maybe next year. It cracks me up how much Boston looks like Nate. He looks like Nate's little clone in some of these pictures. He's going to have the girls chasing after him, isn't he?

Missy W. said...

it was great to see you. I'm glad you had a great trip. We miss you already!

Sarah McM said...

Glad you're all alive still! Looking forward to see you and your kids (who have apparently turned into teenagers since I last saw them) at TWO THIRTY church. Blah.

And Brystal eating Santa's cookies: priceless.

elsa said...

Well i think that somebody looks very much alike his father...if you want to see photos of me you can visit my flickr acccount[puma]

elsa said...

Very cute........

Kimberly said...

I love the sad Brystal picture.