This year for Christmas Nathan and I decided with the dropping gas prices we would drive to Utah and surprise my family! Boy were they surprised! We drove the long 24 hour drive straight through the night and made it there while my family was at church and there we were waiting for them when they got home! It was so nice to get to see everyone since we hadn't seen them for so long, and Brystal got to play with her cousins and Grandma and Grandpa and Aunts and Uncles. We also got to see some of Nate's family for a day here. We wish we could have stayed longer so we could have seen everyone! The weather was in our favor for the drives since it was a complete whiteout snowstorm every other day we were there.
Brystal getting a good look at snow for her first time. Don't ask about the ears, I just found them and she left them on for over an hour.
We did alot of lounging around which was great since we have both been really busy here at home with work and things with our callings and getting ready for the holidays, we really needed the break.