Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well not much is going on these days, which is why I haven't posted for awhile, so I thought I would just put up this funny video of us on a walk with Sophie. This isn't even a good representation of what really happens, but whenever we go for a walk, we like to go along the creek so there is no where really for Sophie to get run over by a car and rarely any people to run into, so we let her off her leash and let her go, and boy does she go. She just LOVES it and she runs and runs as fast as she can through all the weeds and when they get really tall, all you can see is a rustling in the tall grass and then out pops Sophie just running as fast as she can. By the time I got out the camera, she was already a little worn out, but still going strong. Maybe next time we go, I'll get a better one when we first let her loose.


Madison Grunig said...

That's funny. Reminds me of our walks because our dog does the same thing. I need you to leave me a comment on my blog with your email - no worries I won't publish your email address. Thanks Kacie!

Marci said...

Your dog is so cute. How does your dog do with the baby?

steve and jessica said...

Walks with Sophie must be entertaining. Whenever I see her I think of your video post of her howling when you say her name. (I haven't commented in a while, so wanted to add that the pictures of Brystal are so adorable. We are excited to be able to see her this summer.)

Spring said...

Dogs...such good entertainment. Sorry I didn't call you back about conference. It was a crazy day in which ryan did not end up going. Brystal is really cute!

Clayton said...

And you get mad at us for not updating! PSH! I would suggest something being put up soon... ;)

Janean said...

whoa, whoa whoa.. first of all i was going to agree with u about my lame video.. that it turned out way crappier than on the camera.. but then i go to ur blog and what do i get??? NOTHING NEW.... BOOOOORRRRRRING! but this video actually is cute, andi really love ur updates!!! so do us all a favor and put up some new stuff.

Janean said...

ps.. you know i would love u to move in with me, or we could give u our love sac if u want

Clayton said...

They picture on the front is blury and is bugging me.. if you want i can try to make it better if you send me the pictures

Derek and Tomi said...

so i just found you! im so happy i did! now we can keep in touch. you should add me to your blog

Blake and Kacie Bennett said...

I just got done blocking my blog from internet searches, so to test it I googled my self...and I found you...we have the exact same name. I thought it was funny because its not a common spelling. Anyway, sorry random weird person blogging you.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!