Friday, September 28, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007

So we got a new camera, and I was having a hard time figuring it out, so we had a date night and went to the Arboretum and took pictures of all the flowers and scenery there and figured out our camera settings. We got some really beautiful pictures.
Sophie and the Turtle
Last weekend Nathan found a turtle in our back yard. Sophie didn't get along very well with the turtle, so we took it and let it go in the the creek.
New Toys?
Lake Austin
A few weeks ago, we went to Austin to visit Karen and Eric and the kids. We spent the whole day at the lake. Here is a really terrible picture of us.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
We learned a little trick with Sophie, that if we sing to her at just the right pitch, she'll sing with us. Sometimes I can't tell if she loves it or hates it, but who cares... it's funny.
As we all know Sophie has been with us since we got here. She has been such a great little dog, and we have grown to love her so much. She has been like our little child. Unfortunately, we are having a real child soon, and Sophie will now be demoted to "the dog". So here are some pictures of her so we can remember her as she was before the baby.
Ok, for all of you people who keep wanting to get a peek at my growing stomach, here you go. Now it's been awhile because we left our camera in Austin, and we just bought a new one last weekend. Our old one really was a piece of junk. So hopefully this one will work better and last longer. Here I am at 33 weeks. I can't believe how fast this has gone by. I have 7 more weeks left, and then I'll have a little baby. So weird. I am trying to get everything ready. I've been cleaning like crazy, and trying to get the baby room all put together, it is still a disaster but it's coming along. Nate fixed up an old dresser to put in there since nothing else fit, and I've been having some issues with it as it is old and doesn't open and close very well. I keep thinking that the baby will fall off when I'm changing her and have to open a drawer. That problem has been solved, thanks to me, who figured out how to grease up the drawers with a little soap. Yes it is not my idea of a baby changer, but it works. Anyways, I still feel pretty good. Starting to get uncomfortable. If anybody is willing to give out a free massage everyday please call me. Nathan usually falls asleep about 2 seconds into a rub. And speaking of sleep, both of us are not getting enough of it. Me for obvious reasons can't get comfortable for the life of me. Nate just got called to be an early morning seminary teacher. It is hard work for him to have to prepare a lesson every day and have to get up at 5 in the morning. But he is a great teacher (so far) and I like to go and sit in his class occasionally (when I can wake up that early). And we both know that in a little more than a month, sleep will be a thing of the past for the both of us. Sigh.
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